
Is it obvious I have no idea what I'm doing? Probably.

Anyway, I decided I should have a blog so that when people talk about the issues with blogging, I at least have some idea of what the general classes of problems are and how to effectively address them.

At a technical level, this probably doesn't really even qualify as a blog. The static site content is generated from a batch of jade templates by a grunt task-runner that compiles the sass style sheets, javascript, and templates into a batch of html, css, and javascript that gets pushed to github. It's completely homebrewed, and, served as the basis for a presentation I gave at a national convention.

I'm using Zurb's Foundation CSS Framework. I like it so far, but I'm afraid I like it just because it's not Bootstrap. Clearly, that's not fair since Bootstrap is an excellent framework and I've used it for a ton of heavy lifting on websites.